Scientific Topics


1. Development and research of heat and oil exchangers and heat circuits for energy-technological systems of industrial production (energy, gas and oil transportation systems, transshipment complexes of bulk and bulk cargoes, complexes for transshipment of oil, oil products and liquefied gases)
Head of work – Kologrivov M.M.
Performers: Buzovsky V.P., Doroshenko V.M., Svitlitsky V.M.

2. Methods of a thermophysical experiment and the problems of heat and mass transfer in alternative energy, low-temperature installations, new thermal technologies
Project Manager – Boshkova I.L.
Performers: Volgusheva N.V., Georgiesh K.V., Potapov M.D., Altman E.I.

3. Development of energy-saving cycles, schemes and designs of energy, refrigeration and cryogenic machines and apparatuses and determination of the thermophysical properties of working fluids and heat and mass transfer processes
Project Manager – Titlov O.S.
Performers: Diachenko T.V., Vasyliv O.B., Lapardin M.I., Tyuhai D.S., Volchok V.A.,

4. The study of gas pipeline operating modes on the Tarutino-Orlovka section under underload
Project Manager – Vasyliv O.B.
Performers: Solodka A.V. Sahala T.A.


1. Development of systems for receiving water from atmospheric air based on solar collectors and heat-using refrigeration machines and dual-use units (state registration number 0117u000365), MK 17/03
Heads of work – Titlov O.S.
Performers: Doroshenko O.V.,  Demyanenko Yu .
Ph.D. students: Kholodkov A.O.; Gozhelov D.P.; Mazurenko S.Yu.; Timofeev I.V.; Ozolin ME
Students: Maguaryan N.O.; Savinkov P.V.

2. Methods of the thermophysical experiment and the problems of heat and mass transfer in non-conventional energy, low-temperature installations, new thermal technologies
Heads of work – Boskova I.L.
Performers: Volgusheva N.V.; Khlyeva O.Ya.; Lukyanova O.S.; Heorgiiesh K.V.; Kolesnichenko N.O.; Potapov M.D.; Altman E.I., Solodka A.V.

3. Development of energy-saving cycles, schemes and design of power, refrigerating and cryogenic machines and apparatuses and determination of thermal physical properties of working bodies and processes of heat transfer
Heads of work – Titlov O.S.
Performers: Rozhentsev A.V.; Diachenko T.V.; Vasyliv O.B.; Lapardin M.I.; Tyukhai D.S.; Volchok V.O.

4. Development and research of heat-mass-exchange machines and thermal circuits for energy-technological systems of industrial production (energy, gas-transport transport systems, reloading complexes of bulk and bulk cargoes, complexes for oil and petroleum products and liquefied gas transhipment)
Heads of work – Titlov O.S. and Kologryvov M.M.
Performers: Diachenko T.V.; Buzovskyi V.V.; Sahala T.A.