Dear friends,

     I am glad to welcome you to the page of the Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Power Engineering of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies!
     Our department in a modern format was formed in 2013 as a result of the unification of the departments of heat and heat exchange and heat and mass exchange, each of which was founded in the 30s of the last century and has its own development history.
     The department is a structural subdivision of the faculty of Oil, Gas and Ecology and the educational and scientific institute of cold, cryotechnology and eco-energy named after professor VS. Martynovsky.
     The main subdivisions of both the faculty and the institute train specialists for the energy sector of industry, transport and communal services.
     Energy is a kind of “food” for our machines and apparatus, and in this connection it is symbolic that the energy units are part of the traditional “food” academy.
     Our department trains bachelors and masters of full-time and part-time forms of study in two specialties:

  • 185  “Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology”
  • 144 “Power Engineering

     Energy and related technologies occupy a key place in the modern world and graduates of our department – bachelors and masters are in demand both in Ukraine and abroad.
     The knowledge and practical skills obtained at the student’s bench provide our graduates with a stable social position and an opportunity to realize themselves in various fields of activity.
     Many of our graduates have made a successful career and held as managers and specialists in various industries.
     High quality of training of specialists is achieved due to highly professional teaching staff.
     All teachers of the department have a basic basic education and scientific degrees of a candidate or doctor of science.
     The department pays much attention to the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids and other modern methodological support, and the training of students in specialized disciplines is largely guided by textbooks prepared by the teachers of the department.
     Teachers of our department organize and direct the scientific work of students, graduate students, applicants and doctoral students, transferring their knowledge, skills and experience to them.
     At the department there are several scientific circles, uniting students who want to master the skills of scientific research work.
     I hope that on our website you will find answers to questions about our department and about the specialties for which students are being trained.
     We will be glad to see you and our guests!


Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Power Engineering,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Alexander Titlov

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